What do you do when your mother is undisputably the biggest female pop star of all time, and you want to make your mark on the world of music? Lolahol (AKA Lourdes Ciccone Leon) has decided to let the tunes do the talking, heading down an atmospheric, drum-heavy and almost Goth route with her new single 'Spelling', and it's great. She has been very open that it's a tribute to 'Frozen' (her Mum's track, not the Disney movie), and I can hear that. But it is a quality number in its own right and excites me about what's to come.
Homework #1: Lolahol - Lock&Key / https://youtu.be/ZaQUimu_dCs
Homework #2: Lolahol - Cuntradiction / https://youtu.be/BwjbUEER4iY
Homework #3: Lolahol - Purple Apple / https://youtu.be/-JZgLt1FveU
Bandcamp: https://lolahol.bandcamp.com/
