Until today, if you'd asked me what my favourite Yeah Yeah Yeahs track of the year was, I would have screamed 'Burning' at the top of my lungs so loudly that everyone within a ten-mile radius could hear. But now we've welcomed this mind-blowing, Italo-House Boys Noize remix of 'Wolf' that is so flawless that 'Music' (yes, all of it) needs to go and find a quiet room somewhere, sit down, and have a good long chat with itself and work out how it's going to up it's game. Every element here is perfectly balanced, and the result is flawless.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/laQGU41hOR0
Homework #1: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Wolf / https://youtu.be/otlUyyQSIIs
Homework #2: Boys Noize ft. Jake Shears - All I Want / https://youtu.be/3gJeDlldwyA
Homework #3: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Burning / https://youtu.be/vSffKUyr0lk
