Wolf Alice are a great band. They can bang out a cracking tune. But you've got to assume that they woke up one day and decided that they needed to record a genuine stadium moment because that's precisely what 'Last Man On Earth' is. From the second the quiet vocal and piano line kick in and the inevitable build starts, you already know what's coming. But, thankfully, that's no bad thing in this case. There's an otherworldly sense of grandeur here that saves it from descending into cliche, and the whole track feels 100% them, just a very polished version.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/xzH6toY_EPw
Homework #1: Wolf Alice - Don't Delete The Kisses / https://youtu.be/WqxE-zppu30
Homework #2: Wolf Alice - Bros / https://youtu.be/TD_Q9CxXTo4
Homework #3: Wolf Alice - Blush / https://youtu.be/O_QBC_pDkeU