Wet Leg has been a welcome and unapologetic kick in the nuts to the UK music scene over the last twelve months, so it stands to reason that this brutal new remix of 'Too Late Now' is here to punch our teeth down our collective throats. This is old-school Techno to its finest. Vicious, unrelenting, and designed to rip your heart out through your feet in the middle of the dancefloor. But, naturally, it's all done with that inimitable Soulwax spit and polish that puts it head and shoulders above everything else out there right now. Get me some Vicks!
Track Link: https://youtu.be/lMvCsiP6EkY
Homework #1: DJ T-1000 - Hunter/Killer / https://youtu.be/ZkGDN9PjUUk
Homework #2: Suburban Knight - The Art Of Stalking / https://youtu.be/EqVVrJn4pD0
Homework #3: Bass Inc - Hatt Flash / https://youtu.be/QJEnaHXrGko