What is it about The Killers that means every song they release is either a certified banger that hangs around for years or absolutely fucking terrible? There's no middle ground. 'Bright Lights' is a ruffled shirt and a few buckets of sweat from being a Meat Loaf number (and not one of the good ones). It's a bizarre mix of styles, including a hint of Mariachi band, none of which work together. It feels like an hour's worth of music that's been smashed into four minutes. This one definitely won't be challenging 'Mr Brightside' for its crown any time soon.
Homework 1 | The Killers - Boy / https://youtu.be/p-nYliG8MRs
Homework 2 | The Killers - Your Side Of Town / https://youtu.be/725cqeWpL10
Homework 3 |Â Meat Loaf - You Took The Words... / https://youtu.be/_wO8toxinoc
