The word 'subtle' has masses of definitions in the dictionary. One of them is 'delicate complexity and understatement'. That's something you could never accuse the Swedish House Mafia of being guilty of before this single. As far as I can tell, the default setting for their sound up until this point has always been 'sexually assaulting a car alarm'. All change now, though, as The Weeknd has provided his vocals to this considerably more chilled out track, and I actually don't mind it. I still miss the Axwell of old, who knew what a bassline was, but baby steps, right?
Track Link:
Homework #1: Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound /
Homework #2: C-Mos - 2 Million Ways (Axwell Remix) /
Homework #3: Angello & Ingrosso - Umbrella /