Spend a week at the top of the Cool Cuts chart in the mid-90s, and your label instantly ordered remixes and started screaming from the rooftops that you'd released a 'Classic'. Tunes that truly deserved that accolade were few and far between. Ralphi Rosario's 'You Used To Hold Me' is one of them, with arguably the most iconic vocal hook of all time. Your average remixer would struggle to know where to start if gifted the opportunity to rework it. Not Hifi Sean. He's ripped it to pieces and built a filthy, bass-driven monster around THAT vocal, and it's massive.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/Ips-KXmh-gE
Homework #1: Ralphi Rosario - You Used.. (Hifi Sean Dub) / https://youtu.be/nWHqZsQsWqI
Homework #2: Ralphi Rosario - You Used To Hold Me / https://youtu.be/h11FMf-OE3w
Homework #3: Beltram - Tales From The Rz / https://youtu.be/-E9d473T5HY
