If you had a look at my list of dream collaborators (that only exists in my head), you would find these two near the top. It's a match made in heaven, and the track itself is everything you want it to be. 'Impossible' is the perfect combination of Röyksopp's enduring electronic excellence and the welcome return of one of the most lavish and enigmatic vocalists ever. Annoyingly, I can't listen to albums (thanks, stupid brain). But, based on this single and the few others that came before, I might give this one a shot when it's released. Wish me luck.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/ljnxZypkjn0
Homework #1: Röyksopp - The Ladder / https://youtu.be/s_f1Msn608c
Homework #2: Goldfrapp - Twist (Kurtis Mantronik Remix) / https://youtu.be/9gs7tjWGkTY
Homework #3: Röyksopp - Poor Leno / https://youtu.be/sPG6OQy2iwI
