Oliver Sim is best known as a vocalist with The xx. He recently revealed that he was diagnosed with HIV at seventeen, and writing his solo album has helped him deal with the fear and stigma he's experienced since diagnosis. His new single 'Hideous' is astonishing. Delicate, personal, and intensely powerful. It's a masterclass in songwriting and production, and he could easily have carried the track on his own. But when the sublime soprano of Jimmy Somerville arrives towards the end of the song in the guise of a 'Guardian Angel', you'll be in bits and reaching for the tissues.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/3r4I6tz72Q4
Bandcamp: https://oliversim.bandcamp.com/
Homework #1: Oliver Sim - Fruit / https://youtu.be/Ehs--KAUkEg
Homework #2: Oliver Sim - Romance With A Memory / https://youtu.be/3MQvCsBiwhg
Homework #3: The xx - Say Something Loving / https://youtu.be/Rh2uNrIgGf4
