I love a good cover. But it has to have enough of a twist to make it stand out. The excellent !!!'s new doubleheader consists of REM and Tracy Chapman reworks, both gloriously crazy. 'Man In The Moon' is reimagined here as a 1970s Blaxploitation Funk Rap masterpiece. But their version of 'Fast Car' is the clear winner for me. The verses sound like they've been sung by a KMFDM superfan / serial killer waiting for his last meal on Death Row. But when the chorus kicks in, it morphs into a group dance number from 'Breakdance 2: Electric Boogaloo'. Incredible.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/81d7L1R1Df8 (Fast Car)
Track Link: https://youtu.be/6z26jpS3zwM (Man On The Moon)
Homework #1: !!! - Our Love (U Can Get) / https://youtu.be/i8s5LDbyZM8
Homework #2: !!! - UR Paranoid / https://youtu.be/5Ie1Sin-kDM
Homework #3: !!! - Do The Dial Tone / https://youtu.be/Tkh3MivJZ50