What sort of pressure would you be under if Ed Sheeran decided to put his head above the parapets of his Suffolk castle and announce that he loves your stuff and wants to sign you to his label? To say Maisie Peters must have been overwhelmed is probably an understatement. 'Psycho' is a solid song to kick things off. It has an addictive nursery rhyme quality and enough catchy little moments to keep your attention for three minutes. But in a world where undiscovered pop superstars like Baby Queen and Abimaro exist, it all sounds a bit safe to me.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/UpNPyxskt6k
Homework #1: Maisie Peters - Worst Of You / https://youtu.be/_ay4mJFes64
Homework #2: Baby Queen - Raw Thoughts / https://youtu.be/-9g5teW29Jw
Homework #3: Abimaro - Parasols / https://youtu.be/Tqz82IxOJPU
