I didn't think Joel Corry would ever grace this blog. He's just not my bag. But 'Lionheart' has caused such an extreme case of PTSD that I need to write about it to cleanse myself. Back in the mid-90s, Faithless released 'Insomnia'. They were the first band I remember using that Pizzicato string stab. Hundreds of copycat tracks inevitably followed, and for a couple of years, I couldn't listen to a promo without THAT sound appearing on every other track... and here it is again. I thought the days of Sash and DJ Quicksilver were behind me. But, alas, no.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/IpP4ZhKwyo8
Homework #1: Faithless - Insomnia / https://youtu.be/P8JEm4d6Wu4
Homework #2: DJ Quicksilver - Bellissima / https://youtu.be/JBOQnI1IWVk
Homework #3: Sash - Encore Une Fois / https://youtu.be/qz2bOXLEvuE
