If you weren't already stressed enough about everything from Climate Change, Women's Rights, and your eventual death and replacement by robots, here's a handy, exquisitely crafted, two-and-a-half-minute Power Pop number from Dolores Forever that rounds up the things we should all be screaming about inside our heads into one perfect package. They've said of the track, 'If the world is ending, this is our soundtrack to the existential crisis house party', and I can only agree with them because 'Why Are You Not Scared Yet?' is a fucking blast of a tune from start to finish.
Homework #1: Dolores Forever - When I Say So / https://youtu.be/xqkhPev1Rno
Homework #2: Dolores Forever - Baby Teeth / https://youtu.be/l_riZq5CQtA
Homework #3: Dolores Forever - I Love You But... / https://youtu.be/Gq_2bEghSGw