I'll admit to being super late to the party when it comes to Charlotte Gainsbourg. I wasn't on board until 'Deadly Valentine' back in 2017, and I became a fanboy almost overnight. I've been a fan of Django Django for much longer than that, though, so when I came across this brilliant collaboration between the two, I let out the sort of high pitched squeal that I imagine upset many of the local dog population. What you've got here is a killer tune, perfect vocals, all underpinned by seemingly infinite layers of warm acoustic guitars that make my soul happy.
Track Link: https://youtu.be/LzuWdx0JCnU
Homework #1: Django Django - Giant / https://youtu.be/JzISqg7ugWg
Homework #2: Charlotte Gainsbourg - Deadly Valentine / https://youtu.be/LkyIVKbCfG8
Homework #3: Django Django - Hail Bop / https://youtu.be/JQGTORbJgB4
