Originally written by Neil Sedaka before being gifted to the iconic New York-based Indian 1970s icon Asha Puthli, 'I Am Song (Sing Me)' is back once again, this time in the talented hands of Yuksek, one of my favourite House producers and remixers on the planet. I assumed this would be good because he was on board, but this is spectacular. He has created something that feels like a freshly discovered, long-lost Disco epic that could have come straight from the dancefloor at Studio 54. It's easily one of the best reworks I've heard in years. Do not miss this!
Homework #1: Asha Puthli - Space Talk (Maurice Fulton Remix) / https://youtu.be/-oelv_k2bI4
Homework #2: Yuksek - The Rollercoaster / https://youtu.be/5ihB0mf2b9M
Homework #3: Fred Pallem - L'Odysée (Yuksek Remix) / https://youtu.be/XUsB9TtZ6Mo