
May 19, 20221 min

Mika - Yo Yo

Hmm. One of my favourite things about Mika back in the day was that there was always a certain level of 'extra' on everything he put out into the world. The songs were quality already, but there was usually an additional flourish in some way designed to push it that little bit farther. It created excitement and fun that many other pop stars at the time just didn't have. Unfortunately, new single, 'Yo Yo,' is as flat as a pancake. He's trying to be subtle, but it's all been taken too far and has resulted in a really dull song.

Track Link: https://youtu.be/sqqhnYAkJjY

Homework #1: Mika - Love Today / https://youtu.be/VKctjQYBn3w

Homework #2: Mika - Happy Ending / https://youtu.be/bJeHk1gDT68

Homework #3: Mika - Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) / https://youtu.be/l9OFUh_ZDPE
